Saturday, August 21, 2010


Gwallet started out in consumer coupons. Sony started out selling rice cookers. Successful companies have a history of changing what they do and being very successful in doing so. Tonight I read an article that will change my life. It contained an image that showed how major sites get copied in niche markets. An example would be how Blippy is FourSquare for purchases. So they had an example here of a website that I learned does EXACTLY what I wanted to do. Basically I wanted to start a site selling goods everyone uses around the house everyday. I would leverage the fact they'd be reordering to get price concessions and pass the savings on to the customer. I'd make money by charging delivery fees and or membership fees. Well, the site I found does this same service and features free delivery. So my major revenue stream has been cut off. At this point I have two things going for me: I have not spent a tremendous amount of money thus far and I still own my domain so the question is what to do now? I don't have an answer to that question. I simply don't know what the pivot will be. I was pitched a manor curve ball and as of yet I'm not sure the next move. I'm taking the weekend to consider my next move. Stay tuned. Should be a fun Monday. Until then, rest assured. I've had the rug pulled out from under me time and time again. And I'm goin' up! :) $$

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