Friday, August 27, 2010

A year gone by

Time flies. I've always heard that said when you're having fun but
the truth is that time flies without consideration to your experience
of it. One year ago today I made a life changing decision. I quit my
job, a job where I was reasonably secure and was making ok money at to
become my own boss. I did this because through a series of mishaps and
heartbreak I'd realized that I can never achieve my goals collecting
a paycheck. So I quit. And of course as I've detailed in depth here
before, things did not work out as I'd planned. And still haven't.
So after a period of homelessness, despair, and depression, I find
myself finally at a point where I am ready to make good on the
intentions I had last year. I should detail why I've been held back
thus far. Businesses fail primarily due to a lack of planning. And as
I've said before, i had no idea what I was going to do to make money,
only that I was going to make money. And that was a big mistake. The
second reason businesses fail is because the business owner did not
think in the long term. If you need to make rent the same month you
start, don't bother. As I've said before, never gamble with your
rent money. You need to make decisions with the long term in mind and
that simply doesn't happen if you're desperate for money. So now I
have a detailed plan to dismount from the hamster wheel. First I am
not going to rely on any one thing for my income. I'm going to be
starting a series of blogs, video content, and e-commerce sites to
ensure that. Also, I think that there's a huge market that will
emerge shortly in non iPad tablets so I'm going to be focusing
heavily on learning the various languages that are out there. It's
time to get going. I am exited. Stay tuned. ;)

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