Friday, April 2, 2010

A small step back:

I am a man of my word. I do not say things lightly. So when I said I'd
never again be in sales I meant it. The fact is that due to
circumstances beyond my control, I need a way of making money. And I
need it to be relativly stable. And my old job had both. I knew that
even if I didn't make sales, I still had something. Now, remember that
it came down to $5.295/hour. (See for details)
Which at the time was an insult. Pure and simple. Still is. But the
fact remains that making $5.295/hour I can pay all my bills. Not much
beyond that but I can pay my bills. Making the nothing I'm making now
I can't. And as I'd said yesterday, my credit is one of my biggest
priorities. One thing that I said often during my tenure in sales is
that sometime before you can take a giant leap forward you must take a
small step back. In my case I'm going to go back to a job I really
didn't like in order to take that huge leap forward. My mindset is
completly different this time. Before I'd thought that I'd found a
place I could possibly advance my career. Now it's just a job. I get
in, I make my calls from bell to bell, I go home. I am a setting
machine. Nothing more. This allows me to use my spare time to make
money online. And I can now do it right. Taking my time and devolping
websites that actually provide value to my customers. Rather than
desperately trying to monetize them. I'm excited. I'll get to stay in
my house, fullfill my lease and retain a fairly good credit score.
Good times ahead. In fact, I'm goin' up! :) $$

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