Friday, May 14, 2010

My conversation with Jason Calacanis

I have had a few experiences in my life that have changed me forever.
Most are less than positive so I won't mention them here but today I
had a conversation I'll remember for the rest of my life. Today
started like any other. Trying to make sales at my job. At noon I get
a call on my cell phone from a number I've never seen before. Normally
I don't answer my phone when I don't know the number but I choose to
answer. It's Tyler from this week in startups! They're considering
using my question in today's Ask Jason episode! A half hour later I
get a call from a producer saying I'll be the first question of the
show so be ready. I have seen that Jason doesn't particularly care for
cell phones so I ask to call in rather than risking being berated in
front of the entire Internet. They agree and so I call in 5 minutes
before the show starts. The producer says since I'm first, I'll just
have to wait a few minutes. Thus begins the wait. I hadn't planned on
Jason going on a 20 minute soliloquy before my segment. So I listen to
the elevator music. After a while, I am on. I ask my question and
recieve my answer and frankly it's something I hadn't expected. I was
looking for a resource or a entrepreneurial funding program I hadn't
known about but he took a different approach. He recommended that I
leverage my potential customers to fund my business. I'd never
expected that at all. After the call my mind is racing, "How to I do
this?" It's still racing. This call lasted only about 5 minutes but
it's impact will change my life forever. Thank you very much Jason.
Have a fantastic week. Though I don't think that's too much of a
problem for you. As for me, I'm goin' up! :) $$ G'nite.

PS, here's the video:

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