Friday, July 16, 2010


I've always had strangely perfect coincidences in my life. Once my
friend and I were seperated as children and I guessed the way fo find
him. I'd applied for student loans for college and I get a call that
there's a program I didn't know about that I qualify for that paid for
my entire education. I went to the people that hired me as a poker
dealer to chat not knowing they'd called me an hour earlier to ask if
I'd wanted a job. I picked the one company at a huge job fair that
hired me for my sales job. Today I had another. I went to the midnight
showing of "Inception" at a local casino. I get there at 11:45 pm, go
to the elevators and a nice young lady steps out thinking she was at
the ground level. She gets back in and we ride down. She and I step
off and we part ways. The movie ends and I go back to my car. The time
is 2:50 am. She gets on the elevator and rides up. While I'm driving
home I wonder about the meaning of what just happened, and curse
myself for not speaking to her. Then when I get home, I press play on
my iPod. I always select a song before I leave so when I get home I
don't have to. I selected "Good morning beautiful" by Brad Paisley. I
love this song, it always reminds me of my college crush. So there you
have it. What a day. The worst part was she was really pretty and IMHO
I blew it. Oh well. Que sera, sera. I just needed to share that. Happy
Friday. And despite these coincidences or because of them, I'm goin'
up! :) $$

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