Friday, March 26, 2010

1 Corinthians 13:11

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I
thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things"
I've often thought about that passage as a resignation of youth. Like
you can't have fun after a certain time in your life. As if adulthood
is a jail sentence of dreams that never came true and soul crushing
hopelessness. But I realize now that that's not the case. Adulthood
simply means having to make ones own way in the world. And once the
basics in life are taken care of then you can have fun. And because of
that, I've come to a major decision. To understand the impact of this
I must go back a bit and explain. In November of 1997, my friends and
I discovered yo-yo's. This was right in the middle of a major yo-yo
craze led by Yomega corp. They had invented a simple yo-yo that could
spin and come back on it's own. Also if you got a knot in the string,
you could simply take it apart. This led to a massive wave of new
players. Including myself and my friends. About a month later, I saw a
television program that would change my life. It was Guinness world
records on Fox. It featured two yo-yo pros competing for the record
for most tricks in 1 minute. After seeing this I knew that was what I
wanted to do. Be a professional yo-yo player. So I went without lunch
for two weeks and bought my first yo-yo. I worked furiously to improve
my skills. But alas, after some 10 years my carefully thought out plan
proved fruitless. I still practice from time to time and that's where
I find myself tonight. In a style called freehand I was trying to land
a variation on a trick I'd been doing for years. After I got it once I
wanted a cleaner run so I tried again. But the string became knotted.
As often happens I decide to snap the string rather than work it out.
But this time was different. I'd been using pure nylon string that is
very tough to break. And when this did it sounded like a whip. I look
down and I see a blood blister on my hand. Please undestand I have
much more important things to be doing right now than yo-yoing. But
there I was standing in my living room. With a little red slash on my
hand when the passage comes to me. The freedom of entrepreneurship is
a double edged sword. I'm free to set my own hours but I have to
actually do what I need to do during those hours. I have no boss but I
have no hourly wage to rely on. There's no ceiling to what I can earn,
but there's nothing if I don't produce. Here's what going to happen.
First, I'm done yo-yoing. I'm selling nearly my entire collection. I'm
only keeping about a dozen yo-yos that have sentimental value to me.
And I'm setting my schedule. From now on I'm going to devote the hours
of 1pm to 3am Monday to Saturday to generating income from the
Internet. Could be my main site, could be blogging, eBay, adsense,
affiliate marketing, or clickbank. But during those hours, that's what
I will be doing. Also, there's a bookstore I've enjoyed going to for
years and that's going to be my home office until I can afford to buy
a home Internet plan. Or until AT&T gets off it's ass and unlocks
tethering. Frankly I'm not optimistic about that. I've had a week to
rest, relax and decide what's next. And I've rested, relaxed. But the
time for that has passed. If I'm to make money online, I need to take
making money online seriously. Giving up a passion I've had for some
13 years is a heavy cost. But I'd pay it gladly. Once the site's up
and running, I can take all the time off I need. Until then,
goodnight. Thank you for your time. I'm goin' up! :) $$

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