Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Imagine you could see in to the future

Imagine you could see in to the future. What would you do with that
information? Say for example you knew for a fact that you'd win the
lottery that night. Would you go to work? Now, say you knew that
suprize layoffs are coming tomorrow and your number's up. Would you
order the lobster and fine wine? Today I looked at my financial
situation. I know for a fact that I will not have enough money to make
it thru April unless I stop paying my bills. Which I'd have no problem
doing but for my credit. I want to get a merchant account for the site
and the company I choose will run my credit. Bad credit; no MA. No MA,
no site. No site, I punch a clock for the rest of my life and end up
handing out grocery carts at walmart when I'm 70. So at this point in
my life my credit score is very important to me. Now knowing that, I
have 2 alternatives. I could either get a job. Any job. And work e-
commerce on the side. Or I could go all-in and risk it all on my
ideas. Now the problem is that I fully believe that I will make $
online. But it's highly unlikely that I'll make my rent in the first
month. More likely I'll make a few dollars here and a few dollars
there. So I'm going to have to get a job. Any job really as long as
it's not sales. Not that I can't make money in sales but I just think
that I've taken my sales journey as far as it can go. So I'm moving on
to the next thing. And that's making money online. But I want to do it
right. I'd much rather focus on my site in my time off then rush it
forward before it's ready. So, workforce here I come. Goin' up! :) $$

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