Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Justin Bieber is my hero

I've noticed that Justin Bieber has been a trending topic on Twitter
every time I've checked for at least the last month so finally I
became curious enough to see what these tweets were. Initially I'd
thought that the stream was a reaction to some news event or a new
album release. Then his name stayed on the board. I thought that it
may be simply the actions of some rabid fans. Finally I thought he
might have a bot-net sending tweets to keep him there. But as with the
most truly inspired ideas, it's simple. Upon looking at the Justin
Bieber tweets I noticed they were all from different people. And they
seemed to be written in reasonably proper English. (As much as teens
today can write correctly.) But a lot of them were closly related.
Like "Omg I love you Justin Bieber please follow me!" Or "Justin
Bieber Justin Bieber Justin Bieber that is all. Please follow me." But
there was one tweet that cracked the code behind why Justin Bieber has
been able to remain a trending topic. It said "OMG! Justin followed
me! This is the greatest day of my life!" That's the key. Justin has
realized (or has been informed) that people will work very hard if the
reward is attractive enough. And in this case it's Justin following
you. So his fans tweet furiously to get his attention hoping that
he'll follow them. And the fact he's following some 50,000 people says
it often pays off. This is how a celebrity should relate to his fans.
So well played Justin. If that whole music thing doesn't work out a
fantastic career in marketing awaits you. Have a great night.

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