Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hello iPad

I've always considered myself a man of reason. So why do I want an
iPad when I can't afford one, I can't use it at home, and won't be
able to sell it once it's old? The answer is simple. I have seen the
iPad. I have used an iPad. I love the iPad. I want to use the
utilities it offers. Does my job require slide presentations? No. But
I want to be able to create them using the interface iPad offers. The
fact is I'll probably don't need the spreadsheet to keep my books. But
I want it. I want to be able to use one single system for everything.
And I've decided to become an app developer. My idea could
revolutionize the industry I'm targeting. I'm a mac. I like apple
products. Now, if you've followed me for a while you know that I've
made several impassioned pleas to apple regarding it's business
practices. I still don't like the way apple does business. But the
fact remains, no computer passes the "it works" test as well as apple.
Believe me, I've tried to use other programs but the apple experience
is seamless. Because of course, it's designed to be seamless. It's the
same as if I were to use nothing but HP for everything. But I choose
to support apple, not because Steve Jobs needs more money but because
they provide a unique user experience unlike anything I've ever used.
My iPad purchase is premature. I know that. But I don't care. One
thing above all else I learned from Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad,
Poor Dad" was this: If you think "I can't afford it" you'll never have
what you want. What you should think is "how can I afford it?" Because
that's the way way successful people think. So I am buying an iPad.
But first, I have to think " how can I make enough supplemental income
to afford this?" I don't know yet. But as soon as I know the answer to
that question, rest assured, I'll explain here. Have a great night.
And remember, iPad or not, I'm goin' up! :) $$

Sent from my iPhone

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