Monday, April 5, 2010

A new chapter begins

During a mans life he inevitably experiences days that looking back on
it were key to his future. Sometimes these are easy to see, a
graduation, wedding, the birth of children etc. Today is such a day
for me. In about 4 hours, I'm going to meet with my former employer
and ask him for my job back. The reason for this is that I've
unfortunately made the same mistake twice. I want to start my own
business and my overwhelming desire to do so has led me to twice walk
away from jobs without enough resources. Granted this time I was in a
much better situation than ast time. In fact, I had near to the dollar
twice in the bank this time compared to last time. But alas, it wasn't
enough. Now, I must clarify the reason I'm so anxious for the meeting.
Although this gentleman has a track record of rehiring people, and was
sorry to see me go, it's not certain. But I plan to assume the sale
and go in under the assumtion that I'm already hired. As I'd tweeted
yesterday, his words once I'd mentioned I was thinking about coming
back were along the lines of "Yeah, we're hiring, but I have to see
how many leads we'll get. I'll call you tomorrow." Now, he never
called me. But that's a part of his charachter. He often spaces out
calling people. It's just who he is. But being the salesman, the
absence of no by default means yes. And he didn't call me to say no.
So I'm going in tomorrow under the assumption that I'm starting again.
Now, I realize they won't give me a huge number of leads and I'm ok
with that. I understand the importance of those leads and I'm willing
to call thru the discard pile to find a sale. I probably won't make
tremendous money to start but anything's better than the nothing I'm
making now. So mark the calender. On April 5th I'm starting over.
Again. But, (and this is important) I'm in a MUCH better spot now than
I was in November. I have my own apartment, I have a much more
productive season ahead (no one buys what I'll be selling in winter)
and I have more motivation now, than I have in almost a year. So here
we go. In 4 hours, a new chapter begins. I'm goin' up! :) $$

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